Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
BoltHoleCircles Collection Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddBoltHoleCircleBy2PointsCreates a BHC object by two points.
Public Method AddBoltHoleCircleBy3PointsThis method adds a BoltHoleCircle object using three specified objects and their keypoints. The objects can be any Draft graphic object, but will typically be DVCircle2d objects. This method does not automatically place centermarks, but it does leave gaps for them at the points specified in the input objects.
Public Method AddBoltHoleCircleByCenterAndRadiusThis method adds a BoltHoleCircle object using a center object and a radius object. The objects can be any Draft graphic object, but will typically be DVCircle2d objects. This method does not automatically place centermarks, but it does leave gaps for them at the points specified in the input objects.
Public Method ItemThe items in a collection.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property CountReturns the number of objects in the referenced collection.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
See Also

BoltHoleCircles Collection

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