Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
AddBoltHoleCircleByCenterAndRadius Method
Specifies the center object of the bolt hole circle.
Specifies the keypoint index of the center object of the bolt hole circle.
Specifies the radius object of the bolt hole circle.
Specifies the keypoint index of the radius object of the bolt hole circle.
This method adds a BoltHoleCircle object using a center object and a radius object. The objects can be any Draft graphic object, but will typically be DVCircle2d objects. This method does not automatically place centermarks, but it does leave gaps for them at the points specified in the input objects.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddBoltHoleCircleByCenterAndRadius( _
   ByVal CenterObject As Object, _
   ByVal CenterObject_KeyPointIndex As Long, _
   ByVal RadiusObject As Object, _
   ByVal RadiusObject_KeypointIndex As Long _
) As BoltHoleCircle
Specifies the center object of the bolt hole circle.
Specifies the keypoint index of the center object of the bolt hole circle.
Specifies the radius object of the bolt hole circle.
Specifies the keypoint index of the radius object of the bolt hole circle.
See Also

BoltHoleCircles Collection  | BoltHoleCircles Members

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