Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
DrawingViewStyle Object Members
Public Properties
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property CaptionAnnotationSets and returns the caption string to be used by the specified view annotation type.
Public Property CaptionPrimarySets and returns the primary caption source string to be used by the specified view type.
Public Property CaptionSecondarySets and returns the secondary caption source string to be used by the specified view type.
Public Property CodeASSuffixSets and returns the Suffix (%AS) source string for the specified view type. This is intended for use in a form like VA-VA and may include other formatting options, e.g. “()”.
Public Property CodeLNAnnotationSheetNumberSets and returns the Annotation Sheet Number (%LN) source string. This is intended for use with %{Annotation Sheet Number|DV} property text and may include other formatting options, e.g. “()”.
Public Property CodeVNViewSheetNumberSets and returns the View Sheet Number (%VN) source string. This is intended for use with %{View Sheet Number|DV} property text and may include other formatting options.
Public Property CodeVRViewRotationAngleSets and returns the View Rotation Angle (%VR) source string. This is intended for use with %{View Angle|DV} property text and may include other formatting options.
Public Property CodeVSViewScaleSets and returns the View Scale (%VS) source string. This is intended for use with %{Primary Scale|DV} and/or %{Secondary Scale|DV} property text and may include other formatting options.
Public Property CPLCaptionLocationSets and returns the caption location of the cutting plane line display.
Public Property CuttingPlaneLineArrowOffsetSets and returns offset distance (0.0 - 1.0) for the arrow terminator.
Public Property CuttingPlaneLineDisplaySets and returns the direction of the terminator.
Public Property CuttingPlaneLineDisplayStyleSets and returns the display style for the cutting plane.
Public Property DescriptionReturns a user-specified description of the referenced object.
Public Property DimensionStyleSets and returns the dimension style referenced by the drawing view style for settings not defined within the drawing view style itself. Used by property text in captions.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentSets and returns the name of the parent style.
Public Property PrimaryCaptionColorSets and returns the color in which PrimaryCaption is displayed.
Public Property PrimaryCaptionFontSets and returns the name of the PrimaryCaption’s font.
Public Property PrimaryCaptionFontStyleSets and returns the style of the font for the PrimaryCaption.
Public Property PrimaryCaptionTextAlignmentSets and returns text alignment used for the PrimaryCaption.
Public Property PrimaryCaptionTextAutoFillBackgroundSets and returns whether background color is used for the PrimaryCaption.
Public Property PrimaryCaptionTextSizeSets and returns the text size for the PrimaryCaption.
Public Property SecondaryCaptionColorSets and returns the color in which SecondaryCaption is displayed.
Public Property SecondaryCaptionFontSets and returns the name of the SecondaryCaption’s font.
Public Property SecondaryCaptionFontStyleSets and returns the style of the font for the SecondaryCaption.
Public Property SecondaryCaptionTextAlignmentSets and returns text alignment used for the SecondaryCaption.
Public Property SecondaryCaptionTextAutoFillBackgroundSets and returns whether background color is used for the SecondaryCaption.
Public Property SecondaryCaptionTextSizeSets and returns the text size for the SecondaryCaption.
Public Property ShowAnnotationCaptionSets and returns whether the caption string is shown for the specified view annotation type.
Public Property ShowCodeASSuffixSets and returns the display directive for the Suffix (%AS) source string for the specified view type.
Public Property ShowCodeLNAnnotationSheetNumberSets and returns the display directive for the AnnotationSheetNumber (%LN) source string.
Public Property ShowCodeVNViewSheetNumberSets and returns the display directive for the ViewSheetNumber source string.
Public Property ShowCodeVRViewRotationAngleSets and returns the display directive for the View Rotation Angle source string.
Public Property ShowCodeVSViewScaleSets and returns the display directive for the View Scale source string.
Public Property ShowPrimaryCaptionSets and returns whether the primary caption is shown for the specified view type.
Public Property ShowPrimarySecondayCaptionSeparatorSets and returns the display status of the separator line between the primary and secondary captions.
Public Property ShowSecondaryCaptionSets and returns whether the secondary caption is shown for the specified view type.
Public Property TerminatorDisplaySets and returns the terminator display.
Public Property TerminatorSizeSets and returns the size of the terminator for the referenced DrawingViewStyle object.
Public Property TerminatorTypeSets and returns the type of terminator for both origin and measure.
Public Property ThickLineLengthRatioSets and returns multiplication factor for the line length. Ex. line length = ThickLineLengthRatio x font size.
Public Property ThinTerminatorLinesSets and returns the thin/thick direction lines of cutting plane line or view plane lines.
Public Property ViewAnnotationLineTypeSets and returns the name of the line type of the viewing and cutting plane lines.
Public Property ViewAnnotationLineWidthSets and returns the line width of the viewing and cutting plane lines.
Public Property ViewBorderLineTypeSets and returns the name of the line type of the drawing view border.
Public Property ViewBorderLineWidthSets and returns the line width of the drawing view border.
Public Property ViewCaptionLocationSets and returns the caption location of the drawing view.
Public Property ViewPlaneLineDisplaySets and returns the number of terminator lines displayed for view plane.
Public Property ViewSheetNumberLocationSets and returns the Sheet Number Location of the view plane.
Public Property VPLCaptionAtEndSets and returns the caption location of the view plane.
See Also

DrawingViewStyle Object  | Solid Edge ST4 - What's New

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