Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
CodeASSuffix Property
Sets and returns the Suffix (%AS) source string for the specified view type. This is intended for use in a form like VA-VA and may include other formatting options, e.g. “()”.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property CodeASSuffix( _
   ByVal dvtype As DrawingViewCaptionTypeConstants _
) As String
se2DModelViewconstant identifier for 2D Model Views.
seAuxiliaryViewconstant identifier for Auxiliary Views.
seDetailViewconstant identifier for Detail Views.
seNailboardViewconstant identifier for Nailboard Views.
sePrincipalViewconstant identifier for Principal Views.
seSectionViewconstant identifier for Section Views.
See Also

DrawingViewStyle Object  | DrawingViewStyle Members  | Solid Edge ST4 - What's New

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