Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Relations2d Collection Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddAutoConstraints
Public Method AddChamferCreates a chamfer relationship between a Line2d object and the two objects it intersects.
Public Method AddColinearAdds a colinear relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddConcentricAdds a concentric relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddEqualAdds an equal relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddEqualDirectionThis method adds a relationship to the referenced Relations2d collection in which the two specified objects have equal direction at the specified keypoints.
Public Method AddEqualDirectionEqualCurvatureThis method adds a relationship to the referenced Relations2d collection in which the two specified objects have equal direction and equal curvature at the specified keypoints.
Public Method AddFilletCreates a fillet relationship between an Arc2d object and the two objects it intersects.
Public Method AddFixAdds a fix relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddHorizontalAdds a horizontal relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddHorizontalAlignAdds a horizontal alignment relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddIntersectionAdds an intersection relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddKeypointAdds a key point relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddKeypointFixAdds a Fix relationship (called a Lock relationship in the Solid Edge user interface) to a keypoint of an object. A Fix relationship eliminates two degrees of freedom when placed on a keypoint of a geometric element.
Public Method AddLinkAdds a link relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddParallelAdds a parallel relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddPerpendicularAdds a perpendicular relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddPointOnAdds a point-on relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddPointOnCompoundCurveThis method adds a point-on relationship to the referenced Relations2d collection. The method creates a point-on relationship between the key point index of the specified object to a point on the specified compound curve.
Public Method AddSetAdds a set relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddSymmetricAdds a symmetric relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddTangentAdds a tangent relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddTangentBetweenCompoundCurvesThis method adds a tangent relationship to the referenced Relations2d collection. The method creates a tangent relationship between two specified compound curves. Each set of curves must be endpoint-connected through keypoint constraints.
Public Method AddTangentEqualCurvatureThis method adds a relationship to the referenced Relations2d collection in which the two specified objects are tangent and have equal curvature at the specified keypoints.
Public Method AddVerticalAdds a vertical relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method AddVerticalAlignAdds a vertical alignment relationship to a Relations2d collection.
Public Method ItemThe items in a collection.
Public Properties
Public Property CountReturns the number of objects in the referenced collection.
See Also

Relations2d Collection

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