Solid Edge Framework Type Library
Application Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ActivateMakes the referenced object the active one.
Public Method ArrangeWindowsArranges windows
Public Method CommandEnabled
Public Method CreateCommandCreates a Solid Edge command control.
Public Method DisableEventsForGivenAddInDisable firing the events for this AddIn.
Public Method DoIdleGives idle time to the application. Call the DoIdle() method to provide the application with the opportunity to perform background tasks that may not be up-to-date because of intense processing.
Public Method EnableEventsForGivenAddInEnable firing the events for this AddIn.
Public Method FindFileDisplays the Find File dialog box.
Public Method GetCountOfOpenModelsInFemap Get count of models currently open in FEMAP
Public Method GetDefaultTemplatePath
Public Method GetDirectoryNameDisplays a directory browser dialog box and returns the selected directory name.
Public Method GetDraftPrintUtilityAn object that is used to print Draft files.
Public Method GetGlobalParameterReturns the setting of a specified global parameter for the referenced Application or document object.
Public Method GetMaterialTable
Public Method GetOpenFileNameDisplays the File Open dialog box.
Public Method GetSaveAsFileNameReturns the new name of the file to save.
Public Method GetTemplateFileNameThis method gets the template file name specified by the doctype.
Public Method MailLogoffCloses an established MAPI mail session.
Public Method MailLogonLogs into MAPI mail and establishes a mail session.
Public Method QuitExits the referenced application.
Public Method ReplaceReferenceDetermines the documents with a specified referenced in user-defined directories and replaces those references with the new reference.
Public Method RunMacroExecutes a specified macro.
Public Method SEAdminUpdate
Public Method SearchDocumentsSearched documents at specified managed/unmanaged location based of defined criteria
Public Method SetAddInInterfacesPreapre the map of AddIns and their corresponding interfaces
Public Method SetDefaultTemplatePath
Public Method SetGlobalParameterSets the value of a specified global parameter for the referenced Application or document object.
Public Method SetOLERequestPendingTimeoutDetermines in milliseconds the amount of time after an automation or OLE request is made before a busy message is displayed. The default value is 8000 milliseconds (8 seconds)
Public Method SetOLEServerBusyTimeoutDetermines in milliseconds how long Solid Edge will go on retrying your automation or OLE requests before displaying the Component Busy dialog. The default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).
Public Method ShowCommand
Public Method StartCommandActivates a specified Solid Edge command.
Public Method WriteDocumentFormulaIntoXML
Public Properties
Public Property ActiveDocumentReturns the currently active document.
Public Property ActiveDocumentTypeReturns the type of the currently active document.
Public Property ActiveEnvironmentReturns the environment that belongs to the current active window of the document.
Public Property ActiveObjectReturns an Object from the active document. The type of object returned is specified by Type.
Public Property ActivePrinterReturns the name of the active printer.
Public Property ActiveSelectSetReturns the SelectSet object for the currently active window.
Public Property ActiveStatusBarPartSets and returns the current active status bar part.
Public Property ActiveWindowReturns the active Window object.
Public Property AddInsReturns the AddIns object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property ApplicationEventsReturns the ApplicationEvents object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property ApplicationV8AfterDocumentOpenEventReturns the ApplicationV8DocumentOpenEvent object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property ApplicationWindowEventsReturns the ApplicationWindowEvents object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property ApprenticeMode
Public Property CaptionSets and returns the caption of the referenced object.
Public Property CustomizationAn object that is used to customize the user interface.
Public Property DefaultFilePathSets and returns the default path used when files are opened.
Public Property DelayComputeSpecifies whether or not to suspend the computing process.
Public Property DisplayAlertsEnables or disables the display of alerts and messages.
Public Property DisplayFullScreenSpecifies whether or not the referenced Application object is maximized.
Public Property DisplayRecentFilesSpecifies whether or not the used file list is appended to the File menu of the referenced Application object.
Public Property DisplayRecentFilesCountSets and returns the number of files that are displayed in the most recently used (MRU) list.
Public Property DocumentsReturns the collection of documents that are owned by the referenced Application object.
Public Property EdgeBarVisibleSpecifies whether or not the Edge Bar is visible for the referenced Application object.
Public Property EnableStereoSpecifies whether or not the referenced Application object will support the creation of stereoscopic displays.
Public Property EnvironmentsReturns a collection of Environment objects that are owned by the referenced Application object.
Public Property FeatureLibraryEventsReturns the FeatureLibraryEvents object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property FileUIEventsReturns the FileUIEvents object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property HeightReturns the height of the referenced object.
Public Property hWndReturns the window handle for the referenced object.
Public Property InsightThis read-only property returns the Insight object.
Public Property InteractiveSpecifies whether or not the referenced Application object can be used interactively.
Public Property IsIdling
Public Property LeftSpecifies the distance (in twips) between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.
Public Property MailSessionReturns the MAPI mail session number.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property NewFileUIEventsReturns the NewFileUIEvents object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property ProcessIDReturns the processID of the application.
Public Property ScreenUpdatingDetermines if the screen updating is enabled or disabled.
Public Property SEECEvents
Public Property ShortcutMenuEventsReturns the ShortcutMenuEvents object for the referenced Application object.
Public Property ShowStartupScreen
Public Property SolidEdgeInsightXT
Public Property SolidEdgeTCE
Public Property StatusBarSets and returns the caption text that is displayed in the referenced Application object.
Public Property StatusBarDelayUpdateSpecifies whether to immediately update the status bar or to defer the update to the idle loop.
Public Property StatusBarHeightReturns the height of the status bar.
Public Property StatusBarPartCountSets and returns the number of parts or sections into which the status bar is divided.
Public Property StatusBarPartWidthReturns the width of the current active part of the status bar.
Public Property StatusBarVisibleSpecifies whether or not the status bar is visible.
Public Property TopSets and returns the distance from the top of the screen to the top of the referenced object or control.
Public Property UsableHeightReturns the height of the usable vertical space in the application window.
Public Property UsableWidthReturns the width of the usable horizontal space in the application window area.
Public Property UserNameReturns the name of the current user.
Public Property ValueReturns the name of the application, the value of a dimension, the value of a custom property, or the value of a variable.
Public Property VersionReturns the version number of the referenced Application object.
Public Property VisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
Public Property WidthReturns the width of the referenced object.
Public Property WindowsReturns a collection of Window objects.
Public Property WindowStateReturns or sets the state of the referenced window.
See Also

Application Object

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