Solid Edge Framework Type Library
SolidEdgeDocument Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ActivateMakes the referenced object the active one.
Public Method CloseCloses the referenced object.
Public Method CreatePreview
Public Method EditPropertiesDisplays the EditProperties dialog box to allow the user to interactively set and view various properties of the referenced document object.
Public Method ImportStyles2Copies styles of the specified type from the specified document. If bReplace is False, only styles that do not already exist will be copied.
Public Method NewWindowCreates a new window that contains the referenced document.
Public Method PrintOutPrints the contents of the referenced object.
Public Method SaveSaves the referenced object.
Public Method SaveAsSaves the referenced document to a new name, directory, or format.
Public Method SaveAsJTSaves the referenced document to JT format with specified options.
Public Method SaveCopyAsSaves a copy of the referenced document to a file without modifying the open document.
Public Method SeekReadOnlyAccess
Public Method SeekWriteAccessSeeks write access to the document if it is available.
Public Method SendMailDistributes the referenced document using the installed electronic mail system.
Public Properties
Public Property ActiveSketchReturns the active Sketch object.
Public Property AddInsStorageReturns an IUnknown pointer to the object that implements the IStorage corresponding to the add-in substorage for the referenced object.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeQueryReturns the AttributeQuery object.
Public Property CreatedVersionReturns the version of Solid Edge that was used to create the referenced document.
Public Property DirtySpecifies whether or not the referenced document has been modified since the last time it was saved.
Public Property DocumentEventsReturns the DocumentEvents object for the referenced document object.
Public Property FullNameReturns the name and path of the referenced object.
Public Property HighlightSetsReturns the HighlightSets collection object for the referenced document object.
Public Property InPlaceActivatedSpecifies whether or not the referenced document is in-place activated.
Public Property IsTemplateSpecifies whether or not the referenced document is a template.
Public Property LastSavedVersionReturns the version of Solid Edge that was used the last time the referenced document was saved.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PathReturns the directory path name of the referenced document.
Public Property PropertiesFor document objects, returns the PropertiesCollection colletion object. For Variables, sets and returns the variable properties.
Public Property ReadOnlySpecifies whether or not the referenced document has been opened as read-only.
Public Property RootStorageReturns the IUnknown pointer to the object implementing the root storage of the referenced document.
Public Property RoutingSlipReturns the RoutingSlip object for the referenced document.
Public Property SelectSetReturns the current selection set for the referenced document.
Public Property StatusReturns the status of the specified object.
Public Property SummaryInfoReturns a SheetSummaryInfo object to provide access to descriptive properties for the referenced document.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property UndoStepsThis read-write Long property sets and returns the number of undo steps for the referenced document object.
Public Property UnitsOfMeasureReturns the UnitsOfMeasure object for the referenced document.
Public Property VariablesReturns the Variables collection object for the referenced document.
Public Property WindowsReturns the Windows collection object.
See Also

SolidEdgeDocument Object

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