Solid Edge Framework Type Library
SolidEdgeInsightXT Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddOrRemoveItemsToOrFromProjectsReturns the projects for given ItemID.
Public Method AssignItemIDGenerate the Item ID and Item RevisionID
Public Method CheckBomStructureCheck for duplicate object IDs in the BOM Structure from the server for the input ItemRev
Public Method CheckInDocumentsToInsightXTServerCheckIn the Documents to the Server
Public Method CheckInDocumentsToInsightXTServerExCheckIn the Documents to the Server
Public Method CheckOutDocumentsFromInsightXTServerCheckout the File from the server
Public Method CreateNewProjectCreates the new project under default cache location
Public Method DeleteAllProjectsDeletes all the projects
Public Method DeleteFilesFromCacheDeletes files in the cache
Public Method DeleteProjectDeletes the existing project given by user
Public Method DoesInsightXTFileExistsCheckes whether the FileExists on the server
Public Method DownladDocumentsFromServerWithOptionsCheckout document from the server with options given by the user.
Public Method GetBomStructureReturns the BOM Structure for the input ItemRev from the server
Public Method GetDatasetNameFromCookieGet the Dataset Name of the document
Public Method GetDocumentUIDGet the UID of the document
Public Method GetInsightXTModeReturns TRUE/FALSE depending on whether the InsightXT Mode Set or not
Public Method GetInsightXTOrTCPreferenceValuesGets TC or InsightXT preference value
Public Method GetItemContentTypesSupportingRevisioningReturns the list of Item Content Types which support revisioning.
Public Method GetItemRevBasedOnSETypeReturns a list of Item ID and Item Revision ID based on a SE Types
Public Method GetItemTypesInfoReturns item types in xml and default item type
Public Method GetListOfFilesFromInsightXTServerGet list of files from server.
Public Method GetListOfIndirectFilesForGivenFileReturns all the indirect file names.
Public Method GetMappedPropertiesForGivenFileReturn all the mapped properties from server for a given file
Public Method GetOutOfDateDocumentsGives the list of outofdate documents
Public Method GetPDMCachePathGet Cache Path
Public Method GetProjectsForGivenItemIDsReturns the projects for given ItemID.
Public Method GetProjectsForLoggedInUSerReturns the projects for given user.
Public Method GetSmartCodesGets Smart Codes from server
Public Method GetTALLogFileNameWrites the given string into the Developer TALLog of InsightXT
Public Method GetUserLogMessagesGives the list of userlog messages
Public Method ImportDocumentsToServerImport unmanaged files to the server
Public Method IsInsightXTFileCheckedOutChecks Whether File is Checked Out or not
Public Method IsInsightXTLicenseAvailableIs Insight XT License Available
Public Method IsItemTypeSmartCodesConfiguredTells given item type is Smart Codes configured or not
Public Method OnGetWhereUsedForAutomationGives the list of whereused documents
Public Method OnSynchronizeFileSynchronize files from cache
Public Method OnUndoCheckOutDocumentsUndo checkout files in the cache
Public Method ProcessUpdateDrawingPerform Update Drawing Process
Public Method PutContentTypeIntoStoragePut Content Types as Custom property
Public Method PutItemTypeAsCustomPropPut Item Type as Custom property
Public Method ReviseToInsightXTCreate a new revision of a file
Public Method SaveAsToInsightXTSave as the file under new item.
Public Method SetInsightXTModeSets the InsightXT Mode
Public Method UnGetSmartCodesResets Assigned Smart Codes on server
Public Method UpdateStatusInformationUpdates status information for given files in the cache
Public Method ValidateLoginValidates the Login
Public Method ValidateTcObjectModelIt verifies BOM created on server
See Also

SolidEdgeInsightXT Object  | Solid Edge ST4 - What's New