Solid Edge Draft Type Library
DrawingViews Collection Members
Public Methods
Public Method Add2dModelViewThis method creates a 2D Model view as a DrawingView object.
Public Method AddAssemblyViewAdds an assembly drawing view based on the ViewType and an optional configuration name.
Public Method AddByAuxiliaryFoldCreates an auxiliary DrawingView object and a ViewPlane object from an existing DrawingView object.
Public Method AddByDetailEnvelopeCreates an detail DrawingView object and a DetailEnvelope object from an existing DrawingView object.
Public Method AddByDraftViewAdds a draft view that references the same user graphics as the input draft view.
Public Method AddByFoldCreates a folded DrawingView object from an existing DrawingView object.
Public Method AddDetailViewCreates an detail DrawingView object and a DetailEnvelope object from an existing DrawingView object.
Public Method AddDraftViewAdds a scalable draft view to contain only user graphics.
Public Method AddEmptyViewAdds an new empty, out-of-date drawing view. Specify parameters using view properties and then call Update.
Public Method AddPartViewAdds a part drawing view based on the ViewType.
Public Method AddPMIModelViewAdds an drawing view based on the specified PMI model view.
Public Method AddSheetMetalViewAdds a sheet metal drawing view based on the ViewType.
Public Method AddWeldmentViewAdds a weldment drawing view based on the ViewType.
Public Method AlignAligns selected principal and/or auxiliary DrawingView objects that are contained in a selection set.
Public Method ItemThe items in a collection.
Public Method UnalignRemoves the alignment relationship between selected principal and/or auxiliary DrawingView objects that are contained in a selection set.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property CountReturns the number of objects in the referenced collection.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
See Also

DrawingViews Collection