Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
BSplineCurve2d Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddSegmentedStyleDefines a segment on a graphic object and assigns a linear style to that segment.
Public Method BringForwardChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of the first object that obscures it.
Public Method BringToFrontChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of all other overlapping objects.
Public Method CopyPlaces a copy of the referenced object on the clipboard.
Public Method CornerTrimTrims or extends the referenced object and a target object to intersect.
Public Method CutMoves the referenced object to the system clipboard.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method DeleteNodeRemoves a specified node from a BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method DuplicateCopies the referenced object to a specified location, creating a new instance of the object with the same property values as the original.
Public Method EvaluateThis method takes the input parameter location and returns the point, first derivative, second derivative, and curvature of the location for the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method ExtendExtends open graphic elements to a specified location.
Public Method GetCentroidReturns the coordinates of the centroid of the referenced object.
Public Method GetClosestPointThis method returns the point on the referenced BSplineCurve2d object that is closest to the input point.
Public Method GetDataThis method returns all basic data for the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method GetKeyPointReturns information about a specified key point.
Public Method GetNearestNodeReturns the index of the node point that is closest to the specified coordinates on the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method GetNodeReturns the coordinates of a specified node on the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method GetParameterRangeThis method returns the start and end parameters of the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method GetPoleReturns the x and y values of a pole on the referenced BSplineCurve at a specified index.
Public Method GetSegmentedStyleReturns the start point, end point, and linear style applied to a specified segment of a 2-D geometry object.
Public Method InsertNodeAtPointThis method places a node at a specified point on a BSplineCurve2d object. The point must lie on the curve.
Public Method MirrorCopies the referenced object about an axis.
Public Method MoveMoves the referenced object.
Public Method RangeReturns the high and low range values for the referenced object.
Public Method RemoveAllSegmentedStylesRemoves all segments defined for the referenced graphic object.
Public Method RemoveSegmentedStyleRemoves the segmented style at the specified index on the graphic.
Public Method ReparameterizeThis method calculates new parameters for the referenced BSplineCurve2d object. It attempts to space the parameters as evenly as possible in order to better define the curve. This can make downstream operations more robust. However, it can also change the shape of the curve.
Public Method RotateRotates the referenced object about the point specified by the angle in radians.
Public Method ScaleScales the referenced object by a specified factor.
Public Method SelectSelects the referenced object in the active window.
Public Method SendBackwardChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object so that it is in back of the first object behind it.
Public Method SendToBackChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object behind all overlapping objects.
Public Method SetDegreeThis method sets the degree of the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method SetKeyPointSets the position for a specified key point.
Public Method SetNodeRelocates an existing node on a BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method SetPoleRelocates one of the points that define the control polygon of the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Method SetSegmentedStyleApplies a new linear style to a specified segment on a graphic object.
Public Method SimplifyThis method simplifies the curve using the specified tolerance. This method usually results in a shape change and might also result in fewer control vertices and/or fewer edit points. It retains any endpoint constraints/dimensions and any connected Blue Dots, and deletes all other constraints/dimensions attached to the curve.
Public Method SplitAtPointThis method splits the referenced object at the split point specified. For closed BSplineCurve2d objects, you must use the SplitAtPoints method.
Public Method SplitAtPointsThis method splits the referenced closed-curve object at the split points specified. For open BSplineCurve2d objects, you must use the SplitAtPoint method.
Public Method TrimDeletes sections of geometry that intersect other objects.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AreaReturns the area of the referenced object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property DerivedThis read-only Boolean property returns True if the referenced BSplineCurve2d object is a derived curve.
Public Property DocumentReturns the document to which the referenced object belongs.
Public Property FlexibleThis read-write Boolean property sets and returns the flexibility setting of the referenced BSplineCurve2d object (True for flexible and False for rigid).
Public Property IndexReturns the numeric index for the active object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsTangentiallyClosedCurveCreate a tangentially closed curve, or see if the curve is closed.
Public Property KeyReturns a key (a string) to find the object relative to its owning parents.
Public Property KeyPointCountReturns the number of keypoints/handles that are supported by the referenced object.
Public Property LayerSets and returns the named layer on which the referenced object resides.
Public Property LengthSpecifies the length of the referenced object.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property NodeCountReturns the number of points on the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PoleCountReturns the number of poles contained in the referenced BSplineCurve2d object.
Public Property RelationshipsReturns a collection of objects that are related to the referenced graphic object.
Public Property SegmentedStyleCountReturns the number of segmented styles defined for the referenced graphic object.
Public Property ShapeEditThis read-write Boolean property toggles the edit mode between ShapeEdit (True) and LocalEdit (False).
Public Property ShowControlPolygonThis read-write Boolean property toggles the persistent display of the control polygon for the referenced BSplineCurve2d object (True for show and False for hide).
Public Property ShowCurvatureCombShows the curvature comb for the referenced object.
Public Property StyleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property ZOrderSpecifies the front-to-back order in which an object is displayed relative to other objects.
See Also

BSplineCurve2d Object

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