Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
AddAngularCoordinate Method
Specifies an origin angular coordinate dimension created with the AddAngularCoordinateOrigin method.
Specifies the geometry parent of the angular coordinate dimension.
Specifies the locate point of Obj2.
Specifies the locate point of Obj2.
Specifies the locate point of Obj2.
Specifies whether the point defined by x2, y2, and z2 is a keypoint.
Specifies the placement point of the angular coordinate dimension.
Specifies the placement point of the angular coordinate dimension.
Specifies the placement point of the angular coordinate dimension.
A member of the DimAngularCoordinateOrientationConstants constant set that specifies whether the angular coordinate dimension is measured clockwise or counterclockwise.
Creates a Dimension object for the position of key points or elements from a common origin.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddAngularCoordinate( _
   ByVal Obj1 As Object, _
   ByVal Obj2 As Object, _
   ByVal x2 As Double, _
   ByVal y2 As Double, _
   ByVal z2 As Double, _
   ByVal keyPoint2 As Boolean, _
   ByVal x3 As Double, _
   ByVal y3 As Double, _
   ByVal z3 As Double, _
   ByVal valAngCoordMode As DimAngularCoordnateOrientationConstants _
) As Dimension
Specifies an origin angular coordinate dimension created with the AddAngularCoordinateOrigin method.
Specifies the geometry parent of the angular coordinate dimension.
Specifies the locate point of Obj2.
Specifies the locate point of Obj2.
Specifies the locate point of Obj2.
Specifies whether the point defined by x2, y2, and z2 is a keypoint.
Specifies the placement point of the angular coordinate dimension.
Specifies the placement point of the angular coordinate dimension.
Specifies the placement point of the angular coordinate dimension.
igDimAngCoordOrientClockwiseAngular Coordinate Dimension Clockwise
igDimAngCoordOrientCounterClockwiseAngular Coordinate Dimension Counter Clockwise
A member of the DimAngularCoordinateOrientationConstants constant set that specifies whether the angular coordinate dimension is measured clockwise or counterclockwise.
See Also

Dimensions Collection  | Dimensions Members

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