Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
AddDistanceBetweenObjectsEX Method
Specifies the object from which the distance is to be measured. This can be another Dimension object. In that case, the newly created dimension will be added to the given dimension's group.
Specifies the coordinates of the first object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the first object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the first object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies whether the object or a key point of the object is to be considered for measuring. If KeyPoint1 is True, the object is used only to extract the key point and this key point is used to dimension. For example, when a circle is treated as a key point, the dimension is measured from the center. If it is treated as an object (not as a key point) by setting the Boolean value to False, then the dimension is measured to the tangent point.
Specifies whether Object1 is tangent.
Specifies the object up to which the distance is to be measured.
Specifies the coordinates of the second object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the second object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the second object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies whether the object or a key point of the object is to be considered for measuring. If KeyPoint2 is True, the object is used only to extract the key point and this key point is used to dimension. For example, when a circle is treated as a key point, the dimension is measured from the center. If it is treated as an object (not as a key point) by setting the Boolean value to False, then the dimension is measured to the tangent point.
Specifies whether Object2 is tangent.
This method creates a dimension to measure distance between two specified objects with tangency options.
Visual Basic
Public Function AddDistanceBetweenObjectsEX( _
   ByVal Object1 As Object, _
   ByVal x1 As Double, _
   ByVal y1 As Double, _
   ByVal z1 As Double, _
   ByVal keyPoint1 As Boolean, _
   ByVal bTangent1 As Boolean, _
   ByVal Object2 As Object, _
   ByVal x2 As Double, _
   ByVal y2 As Double, _
   ByVal z2 As Double, _
   ByVal keyPoint2 As Boolean, _
   ByVal bTangent2 As Boolean _
) As Dimension
Specifies the object from which the distance is to be measured. This can be another Dimension object. In that case, the newly created dimension will be added to the given dimension's group.
Specifies the coordinates of the first object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the first object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the first object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies whether the object or a key point of the object is to be considered for measuring. If KeyPoint1 is True, the object is used only to extract the key point and this key point is used to dimension. For example, when a circle is treated as a key point, the dimension is measured from the center. If it is treated as an object (not as a key point) by setting the Boolean value to False, then the dimension is measured to the tangent point.
Specifies whether Object1 is tangent.
Specifies the object up to which the distance is to be measured.
Specifies the coordinates of the second object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the second object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies the coordinates of the second object's locate point. This point is used as a proximity point while calculating the key point.
Specifies whether the object or a key point of the object is to be considered for measuring. If KeyPoint2 is True, the object is used only to extract the key point and this key point is used to dimension. For example, when a circle is treated as a key point, the dimension is measured from the center. If it is treated as an object (not as a key point) by setting the Boolean value to False, then the dimension is measured to the tangent point.
Specifies whether Object2 is tangent.
See Also

Dimensions Collection  | Dimensions Members

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