Solid Edge Geometry Type Library
Faces Property
Returns a collection of faces of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology object.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property Faces As Object
Returns a collection of faces of a specified type that belong to a model, a feature, or a topology object. By default, the Faces property returns all faces for the object. The topology collection can be restricted to a specified type of face by supplying a value (from the FeatureTopologyQueryTypeConstants constant set) for the FaceType argument for the feature objects only. For example, this property can be set to return all faces that are spheres.
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim objApp As SolidEdgeframework.Application
    Dim objDoc As SolidEdgepart.PartDocument
    Dim objVertFacs As Object
    Dim objBody As solidedgegeometry.Body
    Dim objVertex1 As solidedgegeometry.Vertex
    Dim objFaces As Object
    Const TESTFILE = "T:\vbtests\testcases\Vertices.par"
    ' Report errors
    Const PI = 3.14159265358979
    ' Create/get the application with specific settings
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objApp = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
    If Err Then
        Set objApp = CreateObject("SolidEdge.Application")
        Set objDoc = objApp.Documents.Add("SolidEdge.PartDocument")
        objApp.Visible = True
        Set objDoc = objApp.ActiveDocument
    End If
    ' Open the TestFile
    Set objDoc = objApp.Documents.Open(TESTFILE)
    ' Get the Model object
    Set objBody = objDoc.Models(1).Body
    ' Get the Faces collection
    Set objFaces = objBody.Faces(FaceType:=igQueryAll)
    ' Get a Vertex
    Set objVertex1 = objFaces(1).Vertices(1)
    ' Get the Faces property of Vertex
    Set objVertFacs = objVertex1.Faces
    ' Release objects
    Set objApp = Nothing
    Set objDoc = Nothing
    Set objVertFacs = Nothing
    Set objFaces = Nothing
    Set objVertex1 = Nothing
    Set objBody = Nothing
End Sub
See Also

Vertex Object  | Vertex Members

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