Solid Edge Part Type Library
Model Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ActivateAssemblyBody
Public Method ActivateBody
Public Method Attach
Public Method ComputePhysicalPropertiesCalculates the physical properties of the referenced object.
Public Method ComputePhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystemComputes Physical Properties relative to the given coordinate system.
Public Method ComputePhysicalPropertiesWithSpecifiedDensity
Public Method Detach
Public Method GetFacesByAreaOfBodyReturns array of Faces and their respective area.
Public Method GetFaultsOfBodyFind faults in a body.
Public Method GetPhysicalPropertiesReturns the current physical properties of the referenced object.
Public Method GetPhysicalPropertiesRelativeToCoordinateSystemGets Physical Properties relative to the given coordinate system.
Public Method GetShorterEdgesOfBodyReturns array of edges and their respective length.
Public Method GetSliverFacesOfBodyReturns array of Sliver faces and width of respective faces.
Public Method GetSmallFacesOfBodyReturns array of small faces and their respective sizes.
Public Method GetSpikeFacesOfBodyReturns array of Spike faces and their respective width.
Public Method HealAndOptimizeBody
Public Method MakeActive
Public Method RecomputeRecalculates the relationships among Features in the referenced Model object.
Public Method ReorderBlends
Public Method RollToFeatureRolls the referenced Model object back to a specified feature.
Public Method SaveBodySaves the body of this model to the specified document in the specified format
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BeadsReturns the Beads collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property BendsReturns the Bends collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property Blends
Public Property BodyReturns the Body object for the referenced object.
Public Property BodyName
Public Property BodyType
Public Property BooleanFeaturesReturns the BooleanFeatures object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property BreakCornersReturns the BreakCorners collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ChamfersReturns the Chamfers collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ChangeBendAnglesReturns the collection of ChangeBendAngle objects.
Public Property CloseCornersReturns the CloseCorners collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ContourFlangesReturns the ContourFlanges collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ConvToSMsReturns the collection of Convert objects.
Public Property CopiedPartsRepresents a collection of copied part objects.
Public Property CrossBrakes
Public Property DeleteBlendsRepresents a collection of delete blend objects.
Public Property DeleteFacesRepresents a collection of delete face objects.
Public Property DeleteHolesRepresents a collection of delete hole objects.
Public Property DeleteRegionsRepresents a collection of Delete Region features
Public Property DelSMFacesReturns the collection of DelSMFace objects.
Public Property DimplesReturns the Dimples collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property DisplayCenterOfMassControls the display in the assembly of the center-of-mass graphics.
Public Property DisplayCenterOfVolumeControls the display in the assebmly of the center-of-volume graphics.
Public Property DisplayNameThis read-only String property returns the display name for the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayPrincipalAxesControls the display in the part of the principal axes graphics.
Public Property DocumentReturns the document to which the referenced object belongs.
Public Property DraftsReturns the Drafts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property DrawnCutoutsReturns the DrawnCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property EdgebarNameThis read-only property returns the Edgebar name of the referenced object.
Public Property EmbossFeatures
Public Property EnclosuresReturns the Enclosures collection
Public Property EtchesReturns the Etches collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ExtrudedCutoutsReturns the ExtrudedCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ExtrudedProtrusionsReturns the ExtrudedProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property FaceMoves
Public Property FaceOffsets
Public Property FaceRotates
Public Property FeatureGroups
Public Property FeaturesReturns the Features collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property FlangesReturns the Flanges collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property GussetsThis read-only property returns the Gussets collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property HelixCutoutsReturns the HelixCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property HelixProtrusionsReturns the HelixProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property HemsThis read-only property returns the Hems collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property HolesReturns the Holes collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property Intersects
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsBodyActive
Public Property IsBodyAssemblyActive
Public Property IsFacetBody
Public Property IsModelActiveThis read-only property specifies if the model is active in Solid Edge.
Public Property JogsReturns the Jogs collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property LipsReturns the Lips collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property LiveSections
Public Property LoftedCutoutsReturns the LoftedCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property LoftedFlangesReturns the LoftedFlanges collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property LoftedProtrusionsReturns the LoftedProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property LouversReturns the Louvers collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property MatchFlangeFacesThis read-only property returns the MatchFlangeFaces collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property MirrorCopiesReturns the MirrorCopies collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property MirrorPartsReturns the MirrorParts object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ModelRecomputeEventsReturns the ModelRecomputeEvents object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property MountingBossCollectionReturns the MountingBossCollection collection.
Public Property MultiBodyPublishFileName
Public Property MultiBodyPublishStatus
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property NormalCutoutsReturns the NormalCutouts object for the referenced Model.
Public Property NormalToFaceCutoutsReturns the NormalToFaceCutouts object for the referenced Model.
Public Property NormalToFaceProtrusionsReturns the NormalToFaceProtrusions object for the referenced Model.
Public Property OffsetEdgesReturns the OffsetEdges collection.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PartingSplitsReturns the PartingSplits collection.
Public Property PatternPartsReturns the PatternParts collection.
Public Property PatternsReturns the Patterns collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property RebendsReturns the Rebends collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property RedefineFaces
Public Property ReplaceFacesReturns the ReplaceFaces collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ResizeBendsReturns the ResizeBends collection.
Public Property ResizeHolesReturns the ResizeHoles collection.
Public Property ResizeRoundsReturns the ResizeRounds collection.
Public Property RevolvedCutoutsReturns the RevolvedCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property RevolvedProtrusionsReturns the RevolvedProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property RibsReturns the Ribs collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property RipEdgesReturns the collection of RipEdge objects.
Public Property RoundsReturns the Rounds collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property Slots
Public Property SplitFacesReturns the SplitFaces collection.
Public Property Splits
Public Property Subtracts
Public Property SweptCutoutsReturns the SweptCutouts collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property SweptProtrusionsReturns the SweptProtrusions collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property SystemNameThis read-only String property returns the system name for the referenced object.
Public Property TabsReturns the Tabs collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ThickensReturns the Thickens collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property ThinsReturns the Thins collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property ThinwallsReturns the Thinwalls collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property ThreadsReturns the Threads collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property TubeFeaturesReturns the TubeFeatures collection object for the referenced Model object.
Public Property UnbendsReturns the Unbends collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property Unions
Public Property UserDefinedPatternsReturns the UserDefinedPatterns collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property VentsReturns the Vents collection.
Public Property WebNetworksReturns the WebNetworks collection object for the referenced Model.
Public Property WireFeaturesReturns the WireFeatures collection.
See Also

Model Object  | Solid Edge ST3 - What's New

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