Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
PhysicalProperties Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method GetAsmPhysicalPropsRelativeToCoordSystemReturns the results of the last physical property calculations performed on the assembly relative to a coordinate system.
Public Method GetAssemblyPhysicalPropertiesReturns the results of the last physical property calculations performed on the assembly.
Public Method GetAssemblyPhysicalProperties1
Public Method GetSelectSetPhysicalPropertiesReturns the physical property calculations for the active select set.
Public Method GetSelectSetPhysicalPropsRelativeToCoordSystemReturns the physical property calculations for the active selection set relative to a coordinate system.
Public Method UpdateUpdates the referenced object.
Public Method WriteToFileCreates a text file that contains the physical property information for the referenced assembly.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property DisplayCenterOfMassControls the display in the assembly of the center-of-mass graphics.
Public Property DisplayCenterOfVolumeControls the display in the assebmly of the center-of-volume graphics.
Public Property DisplayPrincipalAxesControls the display in the assembly of the principal axes graphics.
Public Property IsUpToDateReturns and sets the status of the assembly's physical properties.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
See Also

PhysicalProperties Object

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