Solid Edge Assembly Type Library
Occurrence Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddAlternateComponentThis method adds an alternate component to the specified Occurrence object.
Public Method CaptureRelationshipsThis method takes an array of relationships for the occurrence to capture and captures the relationships.
Public Method ClearCapturedRelationshipsThis method clears the relationships that have already been captured for the occurrence.
Public Method CreateTopologyReferenceCreates a TopologyReference object that points to a topological (G&T) element contained within the definition of the referenced Occurrence or SubOccurrence object.
Public Method CreateTopologyReferenceToBodyOverride
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method DeleteHoleLocationDeletes the construction surfaces from the frame.
Public Method FileMissingThis method will check if the particular file is missing or not.
Public Method GetAdjustablePartReturns the adjustable part object.
Public Method GetAllAlternateComponentsThis method returns all alternate components for the specified Occurrence object.
Public Method GetBodyInversionMatrix
Public Method GetExplodeMatrix
Public Method GetFaceStyle2This method specifies whether user style preferences are returned for the referenced object.
Public Method GetInterpartDrivenOccurrences
Public Method GetInterpartDrivingOccurrences
Public Method GetMatrixReturns the transformation matrix for the referenced occurrence.
Public Method GetOriginReturns the origin for the referenced object.
Public Method GetReferenceKeyReturns a reference key for the referenced object.
Public Method GetSimplifiedBodies
Public Method GetSimplifiedBodies2Returns an array of bodies and an array of transforms for those bodies contained in the simplified assembly model of the occurrence.
Public Method GetTransformReturns the current location and orientation of the referenced object.
Public Method GetTubeThis method returns the Tube object for the referenced Occurrence object.
Public Method IsAlternateComponentThis Boolean method returns whether the specified Occurrence object is an alternate component.
Public Method IsTubeReturns True if the referenced Occurrence is a Tube, false if it is not.
Public Method MakeAdjustablePartMakes the part as adjustable. Part file must be adjustable.
Public Method MakeWritableSets the referenced Occurrence or subassembly to allow changes to be written to the file.
Public Method MoveMoves the referenced object.
Public Method PutMatrixSets the transformation matrix for the referenced occurrence.
Public Method PutOriginSets a new origin for the referenced object.
Public Method PutTransformSets the current location and orientation of the referenced object.
Public Method Range
Public Method RecheckMissingFileReturns a bool value if the file is found which was previously missing
Public Method RemoveAllAlternateComponentsThis method removes all alternate components from the specified Occurrence object.
Public Method RemoveAlternateComponentThis method removes an alternate component from the specified Occurrence object.
Public Method RemoveOverrideBodyThis method removes the dumb override body that exists on the assembly occurrence.
Public Method ReplaceReplaces the referenced file with a new file.
Public Method ResetName
Public Method RetrieveHoleLocationRetrieves the construction surfaces representing the hole locations from the cross section component file. These surfaces can be used to create holes as per the standard at appropriate locations in the frames.
Public Method RotateRotates the referenced object.
Public Method SelectSelects the referenced object in the active window.
Public Method SwapFamilyMemberSwaps the current family member with one you specify.
Public Properties
Public Property ActivateMakes the referenced object the active one.
Public Property AdjustableSpecifies whether the referenced object is adjustable.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BodyReturns the Body object for the referenced object.
Public Property CoordinateSystemsVisible
Public Property DisplayAsLastSavedSpecifies whether the last saved display is visible in the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayAsReferenceDisplays the specified parts as reference parts.
Public Property DisplayCenterline
Public Property DisplayConstrCurvesSpecifies whether construction curves are visible in the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayConstructionsSpecifies whether constructions are visible in the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayCoordinateSystemsSpecifies whether coordinate systems are visible in the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayInDrawingsControls whether or not the referenced occurrence or assembly is visible in the draft environment.
Public Property DisplayInSubAssemblySpecifies whether the referenced occurrence is shown or hidden when this assembly is inserted into another assembly.
Public Property DisplayReferenceAxesSpecifies whether reference axes are visible in the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayReferencePlanesSpecifies whether reference planes are visible in the referenced object.
Public Property DisplaySketchesSpecifies whether sketches are visible in the referenced object.
Public Property FaceStyleSets and returns the FaceStyle object for the referenced occurrence.
Public Property HasBodyOverride

Creation of an assembly feature, for example, on an Occurrence of an assembly results in an override body being created for the Occurrence in the context of the assembly. Solid Edge uses the override body in place of the body from the Occurrence document in the assembly for display, interference analysis etc.

Public Property HasNongraphicQuantityReturns True if the referenced Occurrence has a non-graphic quantity numeric value, false if it does not.
Public Property HasUserDefinedName
Public Property IncludeInBomControls whether or not the referenced occurrence is included in reports.
Public Property IncludeInInterference
Public Property IncludeInPhysicalPropertiesControls whether or not the referenced occurrence is included in physical property calculations.
Public Property IndexReturns the numeric index for the active object.
Public Property IsAdjustablePartTests whether part is adjustable part.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property IsCopy
Public Property IsFamilyOfAssemblyThis read-only Boolean property specifies whether or not the referenced Occurrence object is a family of assembly.
Public Property IsFamilyOfPartsReturns if the occurence is a family of parts i.e a member or a master
Public Property IsFastenerSystemItem
Public Property IsForeignSpecifies whether or not the referenced occurrence orginated from an application other than Solid Edge.
Public Property IsNongraphicReturns True if the referenced Occurrence is non-graphic, false if it is not.
Public Property IsPatterned
Public Property IsPatternItem
Public Property IsPipeFitting
Public Property IsPipeSegment
Public Property IsStructuralFrameItem
Public Property IsWire
Public Property ItemNumber
Public Property LocatableSets and returns the referenced object's locatable state.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property NodeType
Public Property NongraphicDescriptionReturns the non-graphic quantity description if one exists.
Public Property NongraphicPrecisionReturns the number of digits of precision to use to display the non-graphic quantity numeric value if one exists.
Public Property NongraphicQuantityGets or sets the non-graphic quantity numeric value if one exists.
Public Property OccurrenceDocumentReturns the OccurrenceDocument object for the active occurrence.
Public Property OccurrenceFileNameReturns the name of the data file for the OccurrenceDocument object of the active occurrence.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property QuantityReturns the number of occurrences of the referenced object.
Public Property ReferenceOnlyReturns the 'reference-only' state of the active occurrence.
Public Property ReferencePlanesVisible
Public Property Relations3dReturns a collection of Relations3d objects for the referenced Part.
Public Property SketchesVisible
Public Property StatusReturns the status (a member of the OccurrenceStatusConstants constant set) of the referenced Occurrence.
Public Property StyleReturns the style for the referenced object.
Public Property SubassemblyReturns True if the referenced object is a subassembly.
Public Property SubassemblyBodies
Public Property SubOccurrencesReturns the Suboccurrences collection object for the referenced Occurrence.
Public Property TopLevelDocumentReturns the toplevel AssemblyDocument object.
Public Property TypeA member of the ObjectType constant set.
Public Property UseSimplifiedGets or sets whether the referenced leafpart Occurrence is using a simplified model.
Public Property VisibleControls the display of the referenced object.
See Also

Occurrence Object