Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Balloon Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddFSStackBalloonAdd Fastener System stack to existing balloon
Public Method AddVertexCreates a vertex at the end of the object.
Public Method BalloonHorizontalAlignmentAlign undeline vertically stacked balloon text
Public Method BringForwardChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of the first object that obscures it.
Public Method BringToFrontChanges the display order of the referenced object by moving it in front of all other overlapping objects.
Public Method CopyPlaces a copy of the referenced object on the clipboard.
Public Method CutMoves the referenced object to the system clipboard.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method DuplicateCopies the referenced object to a specified location, creating a new instance of the object with the same property values as the original.
Public Method FSBalloonClearOverridesClears all individual overrides made to prefix and/or suffix text of balloons in FS balloon stack and sets earlier prefix and/or suffix text of entire FS stack to all balloons.
Public Method GetAlignmentShapeReturns alignment shape and alignment shape point
Public Method GetDisplayData
Public Method GetFreeSpacePointReturns the coordinates of the terminal connect point for a leader line that belongs to the active dimensioning object.
Public Method GetItemNumberReturns the item number for the referenced Balloon object.
Public Method GetKeyPointReturns information about a specified key point.
Public Method GetTerminatorReturns the object to which the terminal end of a dimensioning or annotation object's leader connects.
Public Method GetVertexReturns the coordinates of the referenced object based on a specified index.
Public Method GetVerticesReturns an array of vertex coordinates in a dimensioning object.
Public Method InsertVertexAdds a vertex at a specified index causing indices of following vertices to increment by one.
Public Method MoveMoves the referenced object.
Public Method PromoteToCurrentVersionPromotes balloon or callout to the latest version behavior, the same as if placing a new object.
Public Method RangeReturns the high and low range values for the referenced object.
Public Method RemoveFSStackBalloonRemoves the Fastener System stack
Public Method RemoveVertexRemoves a vertex at a specified index, causing indices of following vertices to decrement by one.
Public Method SelectSelects the referenced object in the active window.
Public Method SendBackwardChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object so that it is in back of the first object behind it.
Public Method SendToBackChanges the display order of visible objects by moving the referenced object behind all overlapping objects.
Public Method SetAlignmentShapeThis method connect balloon to the alignment shape at a point whose coordinates are dPointX and dPointY.
Public Method SetFreeSpacePointSpecifies the coordinates of the terminal connect point for a leader line belonging to the referenced dimensioning object.
Public Method SetItemNumberSets the item number for the referenced Balloon object.
Public Method SetKeyPointSets the position for a specified key point.
Public Method SetTerminatorSpecifies a new object and/or connect point for the terminal end of an annotatino object's leader.
Public Method SetVertexSets the coordinates of an existing vertex of the referenced object.
Public Method SetVerticesCreates vertices in a dimensioning object from an array of x-y coordinates.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BalloonDirectionSets and returns the orientation of the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BalloonDisplayedText
Public Property BalloonDisplayedTextLower
Public Property BalloonDisplayedTextPrefix
Public Property BalloonDisplayedTextSuffix
Public Property BalloonLeaderTextConnectionPointSets and returns the connection point of the leader or breakline to the balloon. Point 0 is at the center, 1 is default left, 2 is default right, 3 and higher are the next points in the clockwise direction from default left.
Public Property BalloonSidesSets and returns the number of sides for an N-sided balloon.
Public Property BalloonSizeSets and returns the size of the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BalloonTextSets and returns the text string that is displayed in the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BalloonTextLowerThe lower text that is displayed in the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BalloonTextPrefixThe prefix text that is displayed in the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BalloonTextSuffixThe suffix text that is displayed in the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BalloonTypeSets and returns the shape of the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property BreakLineSpecifies whether or not a breakline is added between the leader line and the referenced dimensioning object.
Public Property BreakLineDirectionSets and returns the direction (left or right) in which the break line runs along the x axis.
Public Property BreakLineDistanceSets and returns the length along the x axis that the break line traverses.
Public Property CalloutSpecifies whether or not a callout is to be used with the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property CalloutAllAroundDisplay all around symbol for Callout at the connect point of the leader line and break line.
Public Property CalloutAllOverDisplay all over symbol for Callout at the connect point of the leader line and break line.
Public Property CalloutBalloonBreaklineDirectionSets and returns the breakline direction for callout and balloon.
Public Property CalloutBorderCallout border displays the border around callout text. Use TRUE to turn ON callout border.
Public Property CalloutBorderHorizontalGapCallout border horizontal gap. This gap will decide the horizontal spacing between callout border and text on both side and it will override dimension style parameter 'Text clearance gap'.
Public Property CalloutBorderVerticalGapCallout border vertical gap. This gap will decide the vertical spacing between callout border and text on both side and it will override dimension style parameter 'Vertical box gap'.
Public Property CalloutHorizontalAlignmentSets and returns the horizontal alignment of callout text.
Public Property CalloutLeaderTextConnectionPointSets and returns the connection point of the leader or breakline to the callout.
Public Property CalloutParallelGet and set the parallel text property for callout. If true then callout text will be parallel to the connected element.
Public Property CalloutTextAspectRatioCallout text aspect ratio. It will be override dimension style parameter for ‘Callout text aspect ratio’.
Public Property CalloutTextWidthSpecifies the width of the callout text. Only used when CalloutWidthFixedAutoAspectRatio or CalloutWidthFixedWrapText is TRUE.
Public Property CalloutTextWidthModeGets or sets the text width mode on the callout. CalloutTextWidth should be defined prior to setting to FixedAutoAspectRatio or FixedWrapText.
Public Property DisplayByItemNumberSpecifies whether or not the display of the referenced Balloon object is by item number.
Public Property DisplayItemCountThis read-write Boolean property controls item count display for the referenced Balloon object.
Public Property DocumentReturns the document to which the referenced object belongs.
Public Property FSBalloonOverridePrefixTextGets or sets the overridden prefix text of individual balloon in FS balloon stack.
Public Property FSBalloonOverrideSuffixTextGets or sets the overridden suffix text of individual balloon in FS balloon stack.
Public Property HidePMIShow or Hide the referenced PMI Balloon object.
Public Property IndexReturns the numeric index for the active object.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property KeyReturns a key (a string) to find the object relative to its owning parents.
Public Property KeyPointCountReturns the number of keypoints/handles that are supported by the referenced object.
Public Property LayerSets and returns the named layer on which the referenced object resides.
Public Property LeaderSpecifies whether or not the referenced object has a leader line.
Public Property LinkToPartsListThis read-write Boolean property determines whether the referenced Balloon object is linked to a parts list.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PlaneFor dimensions, returns the planar object used by the dimension to measure an object. For profiles, CopiedPart objects, and CopyConstruction objects, sets and returns the associated RefPlane object.
Public Property PMINameGet and set the name of reference PMI annotation object.
Public Property PMIPlane
Public Property PMITrackDistance
Public Property RotationAngleSets and returns the angle, in radians, at which the object is rotated along its major axis.
Public Property StyleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
Public Property TextScaleSets and returns the text scale of the object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property VertexCountReturns the number of vertices in the referenced object.
Public Property ZOrderSpecifies the front-to-back order in which an object is displayed relative to other objects.
See Also

Balloon Object