Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
Dimensions Collection Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddAngleCreates a dimension to measure the angle of a line or an arc.
Public Method AddAngleBetween3ObjectsCreates an angular dimension between three objects.
Public Method AddAngleBetweenObjectsCreates an angular dimension between two given elements.
Public Method AddAngularCoordinateCreates a Dimension object for the position of key points or elements from a common origin.
Public Method AddAngularCoordinateOriginCreates a Dimension object for the position of key points or elements from a common origin.
Public Method AddChamferCreates a dimension to measure the angle and the setback of a chamfer.
Public Method AddCircularDiameterCreates a dimension to measure the circular diameter of a circle or arc object.
Public Method AddCoordinateCreates a Dimension object for the angular position of key points from a common origin.
Public Method AddCoordinateExCreates a Dimension object for the angular position of key points from a common origin.
Public Method AddCoordinateOriginCreates a Dimension object for the angular position of key points from a common origin.
Public Method AddCoordinateOriginExCreates a Dimension object for the angular position of key points from a common origin.
Public Method AddDimensionCreates a dimension. For creating PMI dimensions a plane must be set (XY plane is the default). The type of the dimension, the number of parents, and the collection object from which it is derived (sheet/profile2d/PMI) dictate the creation of dimensions.
Public Method AddDistanceBetweenObjectsCreates a dimension to measure distance between two specified objects.
Public Method AddDistanceBetweenObjectsEXThis method creates a dimension to measure distance between two specified objects with tangency options.
Public Method AddDistanceIntersectionToIntersectionAdds a dimension to measure distance between two specified intersections.
Public Method AddDistanceIntersectionToObjectAdds a dimension from an intersection to a key point on an object.
Public Method AddDistanceObjectToIntersectionAdds a dimension from a key point on an object to an intersection.
Public Method AddLengthCreates a dimension to measure the length of the input object, which may be a line or an arc or a curve.
Public Method AddRadialDiameterCreates a dimension to measure the radial diameter of a Circle2d or Arc2d object.
Public Method AddRadiusCreates a dimension to measure the radius of a Circle2d or an Arc2d object.
Public Method AddSymmetricalDiameterAdds a symmetrical diameter dimension to measure distance between two objects.
Public Method ClearAxisClears any previously set axis.
Public Method ClearPlaneClears any previously set plane object.
Public Method ClearStyleClears any previously set style object.
Public Method ItemThe items in a collection.
Public Properties
Public Property AngleComplimentSpecifies whether or not the referenced dimension measures the compliment value.
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property AxisSets and returns the object used as the axis for the referenced object. It must be a line.
Public Property AxisModeSets and returns the axis mode from which the Dimension measurement axis is found.
Public Property ConstraintSets and returns the Constraint property for the referenced dimension object.
Public Property CountReturns the number of objects in the referenced collection.
Public Property DimInitDataInitialization data object used for creating a new dimension using the AddDimension() API.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property StyleFor collection objects, Body objects, RefPlane objects, Sketch objects, CoordinateSystem objects, CommandBarButton objects, SmartFrame2d objects, View objects, and TextCharStyle objects, Style is read-write. For all other objects, Style is read-only.
See Also

Dimensions Collection