Solid Edge Part Type Library
Profile Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method ChainLocateReturns the end connected elements starting from the element located at the input point. This function will clear the SelectSet and add the located elements to the SelectSet.
Public Method CleanGeometry2dCleans 2d geometries on the profile.
Public Method Convert2DCoordinateConverts a 2-D point from the profile plane to a 3-D position.
Public Method Convert3DCoordinateReturns the 2-D projection of a 3-D point in the profile plane.
Public Method ConvertToCurveConverts the specified element(s) into a b-spline curve object.
Public Method DeleteDeletes the referenced object.
Public Method EndCompletes the definition of a Profile object.
Public Method GetElementHasAutomaticLinearStyleThis Boolean method returns whether the specified element's style is processed automatically (that is, assigned based on the element and element type attributes).
Public Method IncludeEdgeAdds a 2D geometry object (for example, Line2d, Arc2d, Circle2d, and so forth) resulting from the inclusion to the corresponding collection on the Profile.
Public Method IsConstructionElementIndicates whether an element is a construction element.
Public Method MapGeometryToCurvesReturns one or more curves from the curve body for one of the following geometric elements of the profile: Line2d, Arc2d, EllipticalArc2d, Circle2d, Ellipse2d, BSplineCurve2d, RectangularPattern2d, CircularPattern2d, Image2d or TextProfile2d.
Public Method MapPoint2dToCurveVertexGets a CurveVertex from a Point2d object.
Public Method Offset2dOffsets the end connected elements from the SelectSet in the direction of the 2d point by the given distance. This function will clear the SelectSet and add the offset elements to the SelectSet.
Public Method OrderedGeometryReturns the number of 2D elements and the 2D objects that are end point connected for the referenced Profile object.
Public Method PasteCopies the data from the system clipboard to the referenced object.
Public Method ProjectEdgeProjects a specified Edge onto the Profile plane, and returns a 2D geometry object that represents the projection.
Public Method ProjectRefPlaneProjects a reference plane to a line if it is orthogonal to the reference plane of the Profile.
Public Method ProjectSilhouetteEdgesProjects the silhouette edges of a specified face onto the reference plane of the Profile and returns the corresponding 2D geometry objects that represent those edges. This replaces the method ProjectSilhoutteEdges.
Public Method SetAxisOfRevolutionAssociates the axis of revolution with the profile.
Public Method SetElementToAutomaticLinearStyleThis Boolean method sets whether the specified element's style is processed automatically (that is, assigned based on the element and element type attributes).
Public Method ToggleConstructionToggles the construction mode of an element in the profile.
Public Properties
Public Property ApplicationReturns the active application object.
Public Property Arcs2dReturns the Arcs2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property AreaPropertiesCollection
Public Property AttributeSetsReturns the AttributeSets collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BalloonsReturns the Balloons collection.
Public Property Boundaries2dReturns the Boundaries2d collection object for the referenced object.
Public Property BSplineCurves2dReturns the BSplineCurves2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property Circles2dReturns the Circles2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property CircularPatterns2dReturns the CircularPatterns2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property ComponentImages2d
Public Property CornerAnnotationsReturns the CornerAnnotations collection.
Public Property CurveBodyReturns the CurveBody object associated with the referenced Curve, CurvePath, or Profile object.
Public Property DatumFramesReturns the DatumFrames collection.
Public Property DatumPointsReturns the DatumPoints collection.
Public Property DatumTargetsReturns the DatumTargets collection.
Public Property DimensionsReturns the Dimensions collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property DisplayNameThis read-only String property returns the display name for the referenced object.
Public Property DrawingObjectsReturns the DrawingObjects collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property EdgebarNameThis read-only property returns the Edgebar name of the referenced object.
Public Property Ellipses2dReturns the Ellipses2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property EllipticalArcs2dReturns the EllipticalArcs2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property FeatureControlFramesReturns the FeatureControlFrames collection.
Public Property FormReturns the closure state of the referenced profile.
Public Property GostWeldSymbolsReturns the GostWeldSymbols collection.
Public Property Holes2dReturns the Holes2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property Images2dReturns the Images2d collection.
Public Property IsAttributeSetPresentReturns True if a specified Attribute Set exists on the referenced object.
Public Property LeadersReturns the Leaders collection.
Public Property Lines2dReturns the Lines2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property MountingBoss2dCollectionReturns the MountingBoss2dCollection collection.
Public Property NailReturns the Nail associated with the feature profile.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property ParentReturns the parent object for the referenced object.
Public Property PlaneFor dimensions, returns the planar object used by the dimension to measure an object. For profiles, CopiedPart objects, and CopyConstruction objects, sets and returns the associated RefPlane object.
Public Property Points2dReturns the Points2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property RectangularPatterns2dReturns the RectangularPatterns2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property Relations2dReturns the Relations2d collection object for the referenced Profile object.
Public Property RolledBackSpecifies whether or not the feature associated with the referenced Profile object has been rolled back.
Public Property SizeReturns the number of elements that are contained in the wireframe geometry of the referenced profile.
Public Property SurfaceFinishSymbolsReturns the SurfaceFinishSymbols collection.
Public Property SystemNameThis read-only String property returns the system name for the referenced object.
Public Property TypeSpecifies the type of the object being referenced.
Public Property VisibleSpecifies whether or not the referenced object is displayed to the screen.
Public Property WeldSymbolsReturns the WeldSymbols collection.
See Also

Profile Object

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