Solid Edge FrameworkSupport Type Library
DimStyle Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method UseActiveStyleAssigns the current active linear style to the referenced graphic object.
Public Properties
Public Property AboveGapSets and returns the gap between the dimension text and the dimension line when the text position is set to above.
Public Property AllAroundMultiplier
Public Property AllowNegativeValueForCoordinateSets and returns the option to allow the negative values for coordinate dimensions
Public Property AllowOriginValueChangeForCoordinateSets and returns the option to allow changing the coordinate origin dimension value
Public Property AngularDecimalRoundOffSets and returns the angular round-off when angular units is set to degrees or radians and round off type is set to decimal.
Public Property AngularDMSRoundOffSets and return the angular round off when angular units is set to Deg-Min-Sec.
Public Property AngularFractionRoundOffSets and returns the angular round off when angular units is set to degrees or radians and round off type is set to fraction.
Public Property AngularRoundOffTypeSets and returns the angular round off type (decimal or fraction) for the referenced dimension style object.
Public Property AngularToleranceDecimalRoundOffSets and returns the angular tolerance decimal roundoff
Public Property AngularToleranceDMSRoundOffSets and returns the angular tolerance Degree Minute Second roundoff
Public Property AngularToleranceFractionRoundOffSets and returns the angular tolerance fractional roundoff
Public Property AngularToleranceRoundOffTypeSets and returns the angular tolerance round off type
Public Property AngularToleranceUnitsSets and returns the angular tolerance units
Public Property AngularUnitsSets and returns the angular dimensioning unit separate from the working units of the file.
Public Property ApplyBreakLineGap
Public Property AutoCenterProjectionLineSets and returns the center projection line.
Public Property AutoPhaseIf True, specifies that the negative dash gaps for the referenced style object are automatically extended based on the size of the edge.
Public Property AutoSuppressDiameterSpecifies whether or not to automatically suppress the diameter symbol when a circle is measured by a radial or circular diameter dimension.
Public Property CenterLineTypeSets and returns the centerline type name for the referenced object.
Public Property CenterMarkExtensionSpecifies whether keypoint extensions are used for the center mark.
Public Property CenterMarkSizeSets and returns the size of the center mark for the referenced style object.
Public Property ChamferUse45DegreeCharacterSpecifies chamfer 45 degree character use.
Public Property CommonOriginSets and returns the type of the terminator displayed at the common origin of a coordinate dimension group.
Public Property ConnectorColor
Public Property ConnectorLineType
Public Property ConnectorWidth
Public Property CoordinateAutoJogDetermines if the referenced coordinate dimension is jogged automatically when the dimension value is less than the coordinate stack pitch.
Public Property CoordinateStackPitchSets and returns the minimum coordinate dimension value after which the coordinate dimension will be jogged when the CoordAutoJog property is set to True.
Public Property CoordinateTextOrientationSets and returns the text orientation of Coordinate Dimension
Public Property CoordinateTextPositionSets and returns the position of the coordinate text in relation to the projection line.
Public Property DatumFrameDashesSets and returns the datum frame dashes for the referenced DatumFrame object.
Public Property DatumFrameLineTermThicknessSets and returns the datum frame line terminator thickness.
Public Property DatumFrameShapeSets and returns the datum Frame Shape.
Public Property DatumTargetTerminatorTypeSets and returns the datum target terminator type.
Public Property DatumTerminatorGapSets and returns the datum terminator gap.
Public Property DatumTerminatorTypeSets and returns the datum terminator type.
Public Property DelimiterSets and returns the delimiter for the referenced object.
Public Property DimensionScaleSets and returns the scale factor of the referenced object.
Public Property DimensionScaleModeSets and returns the scale mode of the referenced object.
Public Property DisplayCoordinateOriginTextSets and returns the display of coordinate origin text.
Public Property DisplayDegreeSymbolOnNumericToleranceDisplay degree symbol on numeric angular tolerance values.
Public Property DrivenColorSets and returns the color in which driven dimensions are displayed.
Public Property DrivingColorSets and returns the color in which driving dimensions are displayed.
Public Property DualDisplayTurns on and off the dual display for the referenced object.
Public Property DualModeVerticalGapSets and returns the vertical gap distance between Dimension Value text when the DualModeDisplay property is True.
Public Property DualUnitJustificationSets and returns the dual unit justification,Only applicable for dual unit position below primary
Public Property DualUnitPositionSets and returns the dual unit position
Public Property EnableAutoJogForCoordinateSets and returns the enable automatic jogging option for coordinate dimensions
Public Property ErrorColorSets and returns the color in which dimensions in error are displayed.
Public Property FontSets and returns the name of the font.
Public Property FontStyleSets and returns the style of the font for the text of the referenced object.
Public Property FractionSeparator
Public Property FreeSpaceTerminatorTypeSets and returns the type of terminator for an annotation whose terminator end is placed on a free-space point.
Public Property HeightReturns the height of the referenced object.
Public Property HeightPMI
Public Property HoleCalloutCounterboreThis read-write String property sets and returns the hole callout counterbore settings for the referenced object.
Public Property HoleCalloutCounterboreThreadedThis read-write String property sets and returns the hole callout counterbore threaded settings for the referenced object.
Public Property HoleCalloutCountersinkThis read-write String property sets and returns the hole callout countersink settings for the referenced object.
Public Property HoleCalloutCountersinkThreadedThis read-write String property sets and returns the hole callout countersink threaded settings for the referenced object.
Public Property HoleCalloutSimpleThis read-write String property sets and returns the hole callout simple settings for the referenced object.
Public Property HoleCalloutSimpleThreadedThis read-write String property sets and returns the hole callout simple threaded settings for the referenced object.
Public Property HoleShaftToleranceSeparatorTypeSets and returns class fit hole/shaft Separator type.
Public Property HorizontalBoxGapSets and returns the horizontal gap for the dimension text box.
Public Property HorizontalToleranceGapSets and returns the horizontal tolerance gap between the dimension value and tolerance text.
Public Property InhibitZeroToleranceDisplay
Public Property LeaderLineLengthSets and returns the default leader distance.
Public Property LimitTextArrangementSets and returns the arrangement of the dimension text for a limit dimension.
Public Property LineConnectSpecifies whether or not a line is drawn between the terminators of a dimension when text and terminators are to be outside of the measured value.
Public Property LineSpacingSets and returns the amount of space between two lines in a paragraph for the referenced object.
Public Property LineWidthSets and returns the line width (in paper space units) for the referenced object.
Public Property LowerCaseMultiplicationSymbolThis read-write Boolean property specifies whether the referenced object uses the lowercase multiplication symbol (x) for chamfer dimensions.
Public Property MatchPrimaryDelimiter
Public Property MaximumSubunitsSets and returns the maximum number of subunits displayed by the associated dimension before truncating and adding to the unit.
Public Property MaximumViewAngleSets and returns the maximum view angle after which the associated dimension will not be displayed in a 3-D environment.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the referenced object.
Public Property NTSSymbolSets and returns the display characteristics of a not-to-scale dimension for the referenced object.
Public Property OffsetLeaderTypeSets and returns the type of offset leader to be drawn.
Public Property OriginTerminatorTypeSets and returns the terminator display.
Public Property OrigTerminatorSize
Public Property OverridePulledOutText
Public Property OverridePulledOutText2Override dimension text position and orientation when dimension dragged along the dimension line.
Public Property PlacePrefixInsideBasicDimensionBoxSets and returns the placement of prefix inside basic dimension box.
Public Property PrefixSuffixGapSets and returns the gap between prefix/suffix string and the dimension value text.
Public Property PrimaryDecimalRoundOffSets and returns the accuracy for the primary decimal value.
Public Property PrimaryFractionRoundOffSets and returns the accuracy for the primary fraction value.
Public Property PrimaryLeadingZerosSpecifies whether or not the primary leading zeros are on.
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceDecimalRoundOffSets and returns the primary linear tolerance decimal roundoff
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceFractionRoundOffSets and returns the primary linear tolerance fractional roundoff
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceFractionSeparatorSets and returns the primary linear tolerance fraction separator
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceMaximumSubunitsSets and returns the primary linear tolerance maximum subunits
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceRoundOffTypeSets and returns the primary linear tolerance round off type
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceSubunitsLabelSets and returns the primary linear tolerance subunit label
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceUnitLabelSets and returns the primary linear tolerance unit label
Public Property PrimaryLinearToleranceUnitsSets and returns the primary linear tolerance units
Public Property PrimarySubunitsLabelSets and returns the text string for the primary subunits label.
Public Property PrimaryTrailingZerosSpecifies whether or not primary trailing zeros are on.
Public Property PrimaryUnitLabelSets and returns the text string of the primary unit's label.
Public Property PrimaryUnitsSets and returns the dimensioning unit separate from the working units of the file.
Public Property ProjectionAngleSets and returns the angle of the projection lines with respect to the dimension text.
Public Property ProjectionBreakGapThis property creates an override style on the dimension and updates the break gap.
Public Property ProjectionExtensionGapSets and returns the distance by which the projection lines are extended beyond the dimension line.
Public Property ProjectionLineDisplaySpecifies the projection line direction.
Public Property ProjectionOffsetGapSets and returns the gap between the object being measured and the projection line.
Public Property ProjectionOffsetGapAlignmentSpecifies whether or not the projection offset is aligned.
Public Property ProjectionToleranceZonePositionSets and returns the projection tolerance position for the dimension.
Public Property PulledOutText2OrientationSets and returns the text orientation of OverridePulledOutText2.
Public Property PulledOutText2PositionSets and returns the text orientation of OverridePulledOutText2.
Public Property PulledOutTextOrientation
Public Property PulledOutTextPosition
Public Property RatioSets and returns the text aspect ratio.
Public Property RoundOffTypeSets and returns the round off type.
Public Property RoundUpSets and returns round up type (round up all or round up odd) for the referenced dimension style object.
Public Property SecondaryDecimalRoundOffSets and returns the accuracy for the secondary decimal value.
Public Property SecondaryDelimiter
Public Property SecondaryFractionRoundOffSets and returns the accuracy for secondary fraction value.
Public Property SecondaryLeadingZerosSpecifies whether or not secondary leading zeros are on.
Public Property SecondaryLinearFractionSeparatorSets and returns the secondary linear fraction separator
Public Property SecondaryLinearRoundOffTypeSets and returns the secondary linear roundoff type.
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceDecimalRoundOffSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance decimal roundoff
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceFractionRoundOffSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance fractional roundoff
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceFractionSeparatorSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance fraction separator
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceMaximumSubunitsSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance maximum subunits
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceRoundOffTypeSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance round off type
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceSubunitsLabelSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance subunit label
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceUnitLabelSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance unit label
Public Property SecondaryLinearToleranceUnitsSets and returns the secondary linear tolerance units
Public Property SecondarySubunitsLabelSets and returns the text string for the secondary subunits label.
Public Property SecondaryToleranceEquivalentSpecifies whether or not the secondary tolerance is equivalent.
Public Property SecondaryTrailingZerosSpecifies whether or not the secondary trailing zeros are on.
Public Property SecondaryUnitLabelSets and returns the text string for the secondary units label.
Public Property SecondaryUnitRoundOffSets and returns the round off type for secondary units.
Public Property SecondaryUnitsSets and returns the secondary dimensioning unit.
Public Property SecondaryUnitSeparatorSets and returns the secondary unit separator.
Public Property ShowOriginLineForCoordinateSets and returns the display of coordinate dimension origin line
Public Property SlotCalloutCounterboreSets and returns text for Counterbore slots.
Public Property SlotCalloutSimpleSets and returns text for Simple slots.
Public Property SmartDepthHoleFiniteSets and returns SmartDepth for finite holes.
Public Property SmartDepthHoleThruSets and returns SmartDepth for through holes.
Public Property SmartDepthSlotFiniteSets and returns SmartDepth text for finite slots.
Public Property SmartDepthSlotThruSets and returns SmartDepth text for through slots.
Public Property SmartDepthThreadFiniteSets and returns SmartDepth for finite threads.
Public Property SmartDepthThreadThruSets and returns SmartDepth for through threads.
Public Property StackPitchSets and returns the minimum distance track distance maintained between individual dimensions within a group.
Public Property SymbolFontSets and returns the Symbol Font used by this style.
Public Property SymbolGapSets and returns the gap between the dimension symbol and the dimension value text.
Public Property SymbolPositionSets and returns the symbol position with respect to the dimension text value.
Public Property TerminatorDisplayGets/Sets the Terminator Display.
Public Property TerminatorInsideLimitToggles the associated dimension to the outside of the projection when the dimension value is less than the terminator inside limit.
Public Property TerminatorSizeSets and returns the size of the terminator for the referenced DimensionStyle object.
Public Property TerminatorTypeSets and returns the type of terminator for both origin and measure.
Public Property TextAutoFillBackground
Public Property TextClearanceGapSets and returns the gap distance between the dimension text and the dimension line.
Public Property TextOrientationSets and returns the orientation of the dimension text with respect to the dimension plane axis.
Public Property TextPositionSets and returns the text position.
Public Property TextWeightSets and returns the text line width.
Public Property ThreeSidedSymbolOffsetGapSets and returns the offset gap value of Three Sided Weld Symbol.
Public Property ToleranceHeightRatioSets and returns the tolerance height.
Public Property ToleranceTextHorizontalAlignmentSets and returns horizontal alignment for upper and lower tolerance.
Public Property ToleranceTextVerticalAlignmentSets and returns vertical alignment for tolerance text.
Public Property ToleranceWeightSets and returns the tolerance text weight.
Public Property UseTextSizeForCombinedTolValueDisplayIf True, specifies that the dimension text size will be used for the tolerance when upper and lower tolerance have the same absolute value but opposite signs.
Public Property VerticalBoxGapSets and returns the vertical gap for the text box.
Public Property VerticalLimitsGapSets and returns the vertical limits gap between the limit value texts.
Public Property VerticalToleranceGapSets and returns the vertical tolerance gap between the dimension value and the tolerance text.
Public Property ViewCuttingPlaneLineDisplaySets and returns the direction of the terminator.
Public Property ViewLineArrowOffset
Public Property ViewLineTypeSets and returns the name of the view line type to be displayed for the referenced object.
Public Property ViewLineWidthSets and returns the line width of the viewing and cutting plane lines.
Public Property ViewPlaneLineDisplaySets and returns the number of terminator lines displayed.
Public Property ViewTerminatorRatioSets and returns the size of the terminator on the viewing and cutting plane lines.
Public Property ViewTextRatioSets and returns the size of caption text displayed on the drawing view.
Public Property ViewThickLineLength
Public Property WeldSymbolLineWidthSets and returns the line width of Weld Symbol. This value is always in meters.
Public Property ZeroInchesForFTINDisplay leading zero for inches when value includes fraction of inch for unit type Feet-Inch.
See Also

DimStyle Object